Specialty Items
Majestic’s collection of old time favorites and innovative
new flavors. Caramels to die for, peanut butter perfection, pecan turtles, and
premium dipped apricots have been favorites throughout the years. Hand cut dark
chocolate dipped marshmallows are becoming the newest classic.
Salted Caramel - Rich creamy
Peanut Butter Perfection -
Old fashion peanut butter and chocolate
Pecan Turtle Bar - Pecans,
caramel, chocolate – ¼ pound!
Nut Brittle - Almonds or
peanuts or mixed nut topped with chocolate
Marshmallow – Hand made and
hand cut and dipped in chocolate
Cranberry Chews - Cranberry
gel and hazelnuts covered with chocolate
Apricots - Apricots and
chocolate – Tim’s 2nd favorite
Cherries and Hazelnut Bar -
Tart cherries and roasted hazelnuts – ¼ pound!
Nut Clusters - Walnuts /
peanuts / almonds / hazelnuts
Apricots and Almond Bar -
Almonds and apricots – ¼ pound!
Coconut and
Macadamia Nuts, Pineapple and Papaya Bar
– Pure heaven – ¼ pound!
New flavors are created each year; call us and we will tell
you about the “keepers” that are available.